i decided it was time to knit with something other than yarn. while on one of my semi-regular dollar store trips i came across a spool of jute. this, i thought, would be awesome. so i sat down with a 350ft ball and a set of size 10.5s and went to work. here's what happened:
nifty, huh? i thought the jute (like twine, by the way) would be stiffer. but in this stockinette stitch it's more like a rug than like cardboard.
side panel (three times):
cast on 14st
even rows: slip1, k13
odd rows: slip1, p13
46 (RS): slip1, k3, k2tog, k2, ssk, k4
47 (WS): slip1, p3, yo, p4, yo, p4
48 (WS): bind off
this makes little holes for the handles.
here she is in action. notice the nice 3-panel craftsmanship.
cast on 14st
all rows: slip 1, k2tog, knit to end
keep going until you can't anymore (due to either tension in jute or lack of stitches), then bind off.
i thought this was pretty neat. it would be neater if the sides were stiff, but such is life. maybe garter next time? seed stitch?
i used shoelaces, stitching up the large holes near the tops of the panels left by the slipped stitches. it looks kinda crappy so i might braid together a few lengths of black yarn instead.